Ibland så sitter man där med en idé som man skulle vilja bolla med någon, gärna någon som faktiskt har ett hum om ämnet. Skulle man kunna göra det med chatGPT? Ja, det kan man faktiskt och det är en ganska intressant resa man kan göra.

För drygt en vecka sedan skrev jag en artikel där jag lät chatGPT simulera en känd Monty Python sketch med mig som programledare. Lite tramsigt kan man tycka, kanske lite roligt också. Men jag avslutade också den artikeln med ett löfte om att återkomma till när det här kan vara användbart. Så med det sagt, låt oss använda chatGPT som ett bollplank och skapa något. Idag ska vi brainstorma kring att öppna en pizzeria i Kiruna. Vi börjar med att sätta upp förutsättningarna:
I want you to act like you are simulating an empty restaurant where we are going to open the ultimate pizza restaurant. If I type "/summon X,Y, Z", you are to summon person X, Y and Z into the room and join the discussion. If you recognize the names then you should role play that person. Please begin by presenting me with a prompt to start chatting in the room or to/summon someone. I am also in the room. I only speak when use the command "/say XXX" I will then say XXX to the participants of the room. The participants may react to what is said or the situation in general with body language, facial expressions speech or movement. The participants may interact with each other and me at will. The participants may also speak to and argue with each other or me. The participants may also share their personal experience from their past.
Vi behöver naturligtvis en värdig panel att prata med också.
/summon Gordon Ramsay,Jamie Oliver,Thomas Keller,Wolfgang Puck,Ferran Adria

Sådärja, nu har vi vårt team på plats. Låt oss börja med hålla det lite öppet och känna på var vi har varandra.

När man bakar en bra pizza är degen viktig, kan vi få lite input på det kanske?

Vi resonerade vidare ett tag kring degen och alla hade olika infallsvinklar. Till slut bad jag dom om att försöka samsas och återkomma med ett receptet men det blev ganska slätstruket så vi struntar i det här. Dags för tomatsåsen och osten:

Men så var det ju här med att sätta en lokal prägel på det hela så jag drog till med Kiruna:

Så jag bad dom hitta på åtta pizzor med lokal anknytning och här har vi dom, komplett med Midjournes vision av hur pizzorna skulle se ut:
“Lapland Delight”
A pizza with a crispy crust and a topping of thinly sliced reindeer sausage, dotted with red lingonberry jam and topped with golden, crispy fried onions. The reindeer sausage has a rich, gamey flavor that complements the tangy lingonberry jam.

“Midnight Sun”
A pizza with a light, fluffy crust and a topping of delicate, pink smoked salmon. The salmon is draped over a layer of creamy white crème fraiche and sprinkled with delicate, green dill. The pizza is finished with a squeeze of lemon juice and a sprinkle of freshly ground black pepper.

“Arctic Tundra”
A pizza with a rustic, whole wheat crust and a topping of tender, roasted root vegetables. The vegetables are arranged in a colorful pattern and include earthy beets, sweet carrots, and nutty parsnips. The pizza is finished with a sprinkle of tangy, crumbled goat cheese and a drizzle of fragrant sage pesto.

“Kiruna Kebab”
A pizza with a thin, crispy crust and a topping of tender, spiced lamb. The lamb is sliced and arranged on top of the pizza, along with a dollop of cool, creamy tzatziki and a few thin slices of pickled cucumber. The pizza is finished with a sprinkle of parsley and a squeeze of lemon juice.

“Elk Hunter”
A pizza with a crispy crust and a topping of rich, juicy elk sausage. The sausage is sliced and arranged on top of the pizza, along with earthy mushrooms and a drizzle of rich, nutty truffle oil. The pizza is finished with a sprinkle of grated Parmesan cheese and a grind of black pepper.

“Berry Picking”
A pizza with a light, fluffy crust and a topping of ripe, juicy blueberries. The blueberries are arranged on top of a layer of creamy mozzarella cheese, and the pizza is finished with a drizzle of sweet, tangy balsamic reduction.

A pizza with a crispy crust and a topping of tender, flaky grilled mountain trout. The trout is arranged on top of the pizza, along with a dollop of lemon crème fraiche and a sprinkle of dill. The pizza is finished with a squeeze of lemon juice and a sprinkle of freshly ground black pepper.

A pizza with a crispy crust and a topping of tender, roasted cauliflower, kale, and pumpkin seeds. The vegetables are arranged on top of a layer of tahini-lemon dressing, giving the pizza a bright and fresh flavor. The pumpkin seeds are sprinkled over the top, giving the pizza a nice crunch.

Vad säger man, nu har vi ändå kommit rätt långt med konceptet. Nu behöver vi bara få lite fason på lokalerna också. Vad säger våra kockar, och kan midjourney illustrera deras visioner?
/say Describe the restaurant to me as if you looked at a photograph of it
Gordon Ramsay: “The restaurant has a rustic, yet modern feel to it. The walls are made of natural wood, with exposed brick adding a touch of warmth. The lighting is dim but cozy, with industrial style light fixtures hanging from the ceiling. The furniture is simple but elegant, with dark wood tables and black leather chairs. The open kitchen is the focal point of the restaurant, with a wood-fired pizza oven as the centerpiece. The aroma of fresh pizzas and herbs fills the air. The bar is sleek and well-stocked, with a variety of wines and local beers on tap. Overall, it’s a welcoming and inviting space that makes you want to stay and enjoy a delicious pizza.”

Jamie Oliver: “The restaurant is designed to be a warm and welcoming space, with a rustic and cozy ambiance. The walls are made of natural wood, with exposed brick and large windows that allow natural light to flood the space. The furniture is made of dark wood, with comfortable seating and simple but elegant decor. The open kitchen is the heart of the restaurant, where guests can see the pizza chefs in action, and the wood-fired oven is the centerpiece. The aroma of fresh pizzas and herbs fills the air, and the bar is well-stocked with a variety of local beers and wines. The overall design is inspired by the local environment, and creates a sense of community and comfort.”

Thomas Keller: “The restaurant is designed with a focus on simplicity and elegance. The walls are a crisp white, with clean lines and minimal decor. The furniture is sleek and modern, with black leather chairs and dark wood tables. The open kitchen is the focal point of the restaurant, featuring a wood-fired pizza oven as the centerpiece. The aroma of fresh pizzas and herbs fills the air. The bar is well-stocked with a variety of wines and local beers. The overall design is minimalistic but refined, creating a sophisticated and upscale dining experience.”

Wolfgang Puck: “The restaurant is designed with a modern and industrial feel. The walls are made of exposed brick, with large windows that allow natural light to flood the space. The furniture is simple but elegant, with dark wood tables and black leather chairs. The open kitchen is the focal point of the restaurant, with a wood-fired pizza oven as the centerpiece. The aroma of fresh pizzas and herbs fills the air. The bar is sleek and well-stocked, with a variety of wines and local beers on tap. The overall design is urban and trendy, creating a cool and hip dining experience.”

Ferran Adria: “The restaurant is designed with a focus on innovation and experimentation. The walls are made of exposed brick, with large windows that allow natural light to flood the space. The furniture is simple but elegant, with dark wood tables and black leather chairs. The open kitchen is the focal point of the restaurant, with a wood-fired pizza oven as the centerpiece. The aroma of fresh pizzas and herbs fills the air. The bar is sleek and well-stocked, with a variety of wines and local beers on tap. The overall design is cutting-edge and modern, creating a unique and avant-garde dining experience.”

Ja och där tror jag att jag släpper min expertpanel för nu är det fredag och jag blev sugen på pizza. Men håll med om att det är ett ganska intressant sätt att snabbt resonera sig fram till ett koncept kring en för mig i princip helt okänd bransch.
Man hade naturligtvis kunna be dom om mer fantasifulla svar på inredningen, kanske kalla in några designers också, varför inte Andy Warhol? Men det överlåter jag till er att experimentera med. Trevlig helg!